My First Published Article

This article was originally published on MAY 8, 2011

My review of Alexandra Pierce’s book, Deepening Musical Performance through Movement, was recently  published on Music Theory Online. Though I have written many articles published in Pacific Serenades brochures and newsletters, I have never before written an article that was published by anyone else. So it was quite a thrill to see this appear onscreen a few weeks ago!

Alexandra Pierce was my first-year music theory professor at the University of Redlands, when I was a student at the University’s experimental school, Johnston College, and I studied piano with her the following year. Later, I studied movement education with her and her husband, Roger Pierce, and this immediately and forever became an integral part of my life. In fact, it was a significant aspect of my personal growth and changed me for the better, both as musician and person.

I am so happy that Alexandra has written and published this book, the culmination of many years of unique and ingenious work.  If  my review leads others to read it, I will be so gratified. It’s a wonderful book!

Here’s a link to Deepening Musical Performance through Movement on Amazon.